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COVID-19 Response: 

Our prayers continue without ceasing for those who carry the heavy burdens of this pandemic.


​Gathering In Person:  Worship, Sunday School, and Fellowship activities have fully resumed at Westminster. 


Masks:  As we gather, we prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable among us.  To that end, following the recommendations of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, we encourage the wearing of masks for all those participating in indoor activities at Westminster during periods of substantial or high community transmission.   Masks are available at our entryways for those who need them.


Current Transmission in Greenwood County: High


Social Distancing: For most indoor gatherings at Westminster, we feel comfortable that there is plenty of space to maintain appropriate social distancing.  We generally ask one another for permission to shake hands or hug.  When a large crowd is expected that will limit our ability for social distancing, we ask that everyone wear a mask throughout the gathering.   


Opportunities to Connect from a Distance: Westminster provides online opportunities for members and friends who cannot be with us in person because of distance, health issues, or safety concerns. God is with us all, no matter where we are, whether connected by social media, Zoom gatherings, or our website. 


We are thankful that our members and friends have remained generally healthy.

We want to encourage you to get vaccinated if you are able, continue to take care of yourself,

and to practice every precaution to take care of those around you. 



Center for Disease Control and Prevention- COVID-19
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control


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